Mastering the Five Managerial Superpowers

Free video discussing the psychological techniques used to spread disinformation and how news outlets are unwitting accomplices and how and why to make simple changes to stop spreading disinformation.
Attention teachers! Do you want to learn how to stop bullying in your classroom using science-based strategies? This book provides a deep dive into the science of how children learn and unlearn, so you can better understand what’s happening in your classroom and manage it effectively.
Do you want to learn how to stop bullying in your classroom using science-based strategies? This video provides a deep dive into the science of how children learn and unlearn, so you can better understand what’s happening in your classroom and manage it effectively.
Jennifer takes you through the American Humanist Association definition of Humanism and takes each element and explains why it’s part of the definition, why it’s important and how all the elements work together to create a lived philosophy of life.
This is part of an online course offered at Humanist Learning Systems on Humanistic Leadership. It covers what it means to be professional, and how to actually act professionally in difficult situations.
This free video is part of the Humanistic Approach to Civility Training ( It covers the difference between respect and dignity as concepts and why Humanists emphasize the dignity and worth of every human.
This video was created to comply with the CA SB396 training requirement for companies to provide gender identity discrimination information for employees receiving sexual harassment training.
This is supplemental to help people understand the science of gender identity and why discriminating based on gender or gender identity or expression is inappropriate.
This book will provide you with:
● An understanding of the role compassion and dignity play in effective communication
● How to think differently about difficult conversations
● Concrete strategies to use when you find you are not being understood
This book will provide a grounding in the humanist philosophy and information on how to apply it to various aspects of leadership, from how to think strategically, to how to more effectively manage and lead people.
In this program we will talk about what civility is and why it’s beneficial to you – as an individual to behave in a professional dignified manner with others. And how to maintain your dignity in difficult situations.
You can’t understand humanistic business management unless you understand what humanism is. This book provides a short introduction to the philosophy of humanism and discusses how and why it is being applied to business and why it is so effective when you do so. Humanism helps us prioritize human value as important. It supports positive interpersonal relationships and collaborative and respectful decision-making. Since all businesses are in the business of solving problems, good problem solving is essential to good business.
Become a certified humanistic leadership professional. This 16 hour online program will help you develop into a more authentic and effective leader who is both powerfully ethical and armed with the technical skills required to master whatever challenges you face with grace and dignity.
This 7.5 hour online course will help you learn how to be a more authentic and effective leader who is both powerfully ethical and armed with the technical skills required to master whatever challenges you face with grace and dignity. Can satisfy federally mandated supervisor (managerial development) requirement.
If your organization has entered into an EEO Settlement agreement that requires settlement training, Humanist Learning Systems can help you. We offer an 8 hour and a 16 hour version of the training.
Learn how to combine humility, compassion and personal responsibility into an effective communication strategy so you can focus on collaboration instead of combat.
Required annually – this training is designed to help your supervisors learn how to stop bullying, harassment and retaliation in the workplace using behavioral psychology techniques.
This is a compilation of 7 of Jennifer Hancock’s books dealing with the subject of conflict management from a humanistic perspective. These books are companions to online courses offered at Humanist Learning Systems and contain the transcripts of those programs for easy home reference.
Whether you’re a seasoned manager or just starting your leadership journey, “Principles of Humanistic Leadership” is the perfect primer on Humanistic Management and the ideal way to develop your skills and reach your full leadership potential.
This book is for the average human, regardless of his, her or ze name, who wants to learn more about Humanism.
Can behavioral science help us learn how to deal help bad bullying bosses be less … bad? Yes. It can.
This book is designed to help parents vaccinate their kids against bullies and other obnoxious petty people. By preparing for them in advance you can effectively inoculate yourself against the worst of their behavior. It’s based on behavioral conditioning techniques and will help you learn what exactly has to happen to make a bully stop.