Category: Board Certified Behavior Analyst

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board® – BCBA & BCaBA

Humanist Learning Systems offers a variety of programs that will help you in your work as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA®) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® (BCaBA®) .

Several of our courses are grounded in applied behavior analysis and provide information on to apply behavioral conditioning techniques to change management and bullying/harassment behavior and the retaliation dynamic (which is predicted by the behavioral model).

Our courses are considered Type 3 Events and we issue general certificates of completion that include the time spent online to help satisfy this requirement. 25% of the ceus required can come from this category.  (8 hours for BCBA and 5 hours for BCaBA respectively). See BACB website for recertification rules.

How to De-Escalate Conflicts Using Behavioral Science

How to De-Escalate Conflicts Using Behavioral Science

This 1 hour course will help you learn how to use behavioral science to respond to conflict and other interpersonal problems in a way that will actually fix the problem. It will help you learn how to stand your ground while still being compassionate and avoid getting drawn into other people’s drama.

Socratic Jujitsu

Socratic Jujitsu

In this enlightening program, Jennifer dives into the latest research on idea formation and change to empower you with the tools you need to effectively navigate any argument. Say goodbye to heated debates and hello to productive discussions!

Why is change so hard?

Why is change so hard?

This 1 hour course will teach you how to utilize behavioral psychology techniques to help overcome resistance to change in yourself and in others.

Stop Bullying in the Workplace

Stop Bullying in the Workplace

5 hour comprehensive program covers the following topics: What is bullying? The Bullying Dynamic. The cost of Bullying. Bullying Laws. Elements of an effective anti-bullying program

Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Florida, United States