Tag: communication skills

Book and Video: A Humanistic Approach to Civility and Dignity in the Workplace

Book and Video: A Humanistic Approach to Civility and Dignity in the Workplace

In this insightful and practical guide, author Jennifer Hancock challenges the limitations of using civility as a metric in the workplace and shows the benefits of centering dignity in all interpersonal interactions. Providing a humanistic approach to workplace dynamics, Hancock offers concrete tools to help readers create a more respectful and compassionate work environment. Whether you're a manager, employee, or simply looking to improve your interpersonal skills, "A Humanistic Approach Read more [...]
Humanistic Communication Strategies

Humanistic Communication Strategies

Learn how to combine humility, compassion and personal responsibility into an effective communication strategy so you can focus on collaboration instead of combat.

Bridging the Generational Divide: Millennials and Boomers 

Bridging the Generational Divide: Millennials and Boomers 

Are generational gaps in your workplace causing communication challenges? Embrace the power of understanding and empathy with our transformative course: “Bridging the Generational Divide: Millennials and Boomers.” Discover the insights and strategies you need to foster a harmonious, productive, and inclusive work environment.

Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Florida, United States