What to do if your child is a bully

angrykidIt’s hard to hear that your child has been abusing another child. It is even harder to know how to get them to stop. Are they being falsely accused? How can you find out and how can you best support them either way?

This lesson is designed to guide you through the steps you need to take when your child is accused of bullying. It isn’t easy to learn your child has not been behaving properly and getting them to stop isn’t easy. But it can be done if you know the steps to take.

This lesson is based on the operant conditioning techniques taught in the book The Bully Vaccine and includes, a video, along with detailed information on how to help your child if they are accused of bullying. This includes detailed information on how you, as their parent, can best support them if they are falsely accused and more importantly, how to get them stop if it turns out they really have been bullying other kids.

This course is being offered by our partner The Bully Vaccine Project.


It is also free to view at Vimeo – https://vimeo.com/746921451  

and here

Theme: Elation by Kaira.
Florida, United States